Hallway wall decor
Adorn your hallway walls with art that reflects who you are. Decorate your hallway with a pair of matching prints or an elegant collage – get inspiration from Desenio. Found your favourites? Click the picture to buy!
Inspiration gallery walls hallway
We often focus on smart storage and practical solutions in our hallways, but we should never forget that the hallway is the first impression a visitor gets of our home – make sure your guests are met by cosy hallway decor that reflects the people living there. Here are some interior design tips for hallways that we hope will inspire you.
One of our best tips is to use storage as a canvas for your art – you don’t always need to drill holes into walls! Let prints rest on a hall shelf or bench against the wall, or assemble an elegant still life around the art. This will make it easy to vary your hallway decor according to the season or even your mood! If you prefer to hang up your art, you can compose a modern gallery wall that suits both small and large hallways.